Posted by : Unknown
Friday, March 25, 2016
Whether you love or hate them, there’s no denying that the Dungeon Hunter series has become a staple in the mobile Action-RPG genre. It’s popularity stemming from a long running franchise that started in the very early stages of iOS/Android gaming, and has evolved into a visual masterpiece. Gameloft is the developer behind the DH series, which of course means freemium (as were all previous installments), but that isn’t always the end of the world — so long as the game is still playable without spending cash on energy or something ridiculous like that. Gun Mayhem
Bugs and glitches aside, I really appreciated the variety you encountered from one campaign mission to the next. Each one had it’s own individual layout, and there are actually a lot of unique environments as well — so it doesn’t feel like you’re playing through one large area every 5 – 10 campaign missions, but rather something brand new every time. The characters and monsters look great, as well as the attack animations and the many abilities you can acquire and execute. I did have some frustrating lag spikes when a lot of combat with multiple enemies was taking place, but the game seemed to preform much better on iOS than Android. I was using a Note 4 and an Air 2 which also might have been the difference, but the lag was certainly frustrating on a device that is pretty new and should be more than capable. Free online game